Saturday, July 19, 2008

Latino Brother Combinations in MLB

Keeping with the theme of the last post, this time I've decided to list the brother combinations of Latino players in MLB. Here's the list that I've come up with:

Jose and Merito Acosta
Sandy Jr. and Roberto Alomar
Felipe, Mateo and Jesus Alou
Tony and Marcos Armas
Erick and Willy Aybar
George and Juan Bell
Jolbert and Orlando Cabrera
Jose and Ozzie Canseco
Andujar and Domingo Cedeno
Alex and Joey Cora
Cesar and Felipe Crespo
Hector, Jose and Tommy Cruz
Adrian and Edgar Gonzalez
Vladimir and Wilton Guerrero
Livan and Orlando Hernandez
Julio and Ruddy Lugo
Angel and Pepe Manqual
Josias and Ravelo Manzanillo
Pedro and Ramon Martinez
Bengie, Jose and Yadnier Molina
Andy and Jose Mota
Jaime and Julio Navarro
Melvin and Wilbur Nieves
Carlos, Melido and Pascual Perez
Enrique and Vincente Romo
Javier and Jose Valentin

If there are any more combinations that I failed to add to this list, please feel free to let me know.


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